Export Data Quick Action

About the Export Data Quick Action


About the Export Data Quick Action

Use the Export Data Quick Action with the data export integration connection. See Exporting Data.

Image of the Export Data action block.

Multi-select parameters are not supported for this action. Use simple text parameters.

Only a simple table-valued report template can be exported. Grouped records are not supported.


You can access parameters for the Export Data Quick Action block using the Block and Common tabs of the Settings pane. For more information on the Common tab settings, see Common Quick Actions.

Block Tab

Report Parameters

You can control the report parameters and export format using the options in the Block tab of the Settings pane.

Click Report Parameters to open the Report Parameters interface in the Graphical Action Designer workspace.

From the Report Parameters interface, you can configure the following:

  • Report Name: The report name. Choose from the drop-down list. See Working with Reports and Report Management. Check Can Run from Export Data Action within the report configuration page.

  • Can run for multiple records: Includes data from multiple records.

    We recommend, as a best practice, including a unique field, such as RecID, in the dataset.

  • Connection: The defined connection. Choose from the drop-down list. Administrators create the connections. See About Configuring Data Integration.

  • Schedule: The schedule. Choose from the drop-down list. See About the Schedule Entry and Scheduled Jobs Workspaces.

  • Report Parameters: The report parameters are automatically generated based on the chosen report. Not all reports contain parameters. In the Source Value field, you can use a field, enter an expression, or enter a specific value. Only non-scheduled reports (run now) can use expressions.

Export Format

Select the desired format of the exported report from the drop-down menu. Choose from:

  • CSV (Comma Separated Values): Field values are separated by commas. When you select CSV, three more options appear:

    • Field Delimiter: Enter a value or choose an option from the drop-down list to use as your field delimiter:

      • Comma (,)
      • TAB
    • Record Delimiter: The record delimiter (for example, % or ###).
    • Qualifier: The character to use as an escape character (for example, %%%).
  • Excel: File can be opened by Microsoft Excel (.xls or .xlsx).

  • XML: Generic data can be read by other systems.

Click Save to commit your settings.